Choose What You Want

Vinyasa Yoga

With Anna Alison

Basic Yoga

With Elison Parker

Meditation Yoga

With Jessi Neomi

Astanga Yoga

With David Johnson

Yoga In Pregnancy

With Ella Brown

Hatha Yoga

With Elison Parker


We are training yoga since 25 years

Modern yoga consists of a range of techniques including asanas (postures) and meditation derived from some of the philosophies, teachings and practices of the Yoga school, which is one of the six schools of traditional Hindu philosophies, and organised into a wide variety of schools and denominations. It has been described by Elizabeth de Michelis as having four types, namely: Modern Psych osomatic Yoga, as in The Yoga Institute. which is one of the six schools of traditional Hindu philosophies, and organised into a wide variety of schools and denominations.

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It is the place where you can find balance, harmony and energy renewal amidst the hectic bustle of everyday pressures and deadlines.

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